Monday, March 29, 2010

 Haiku, Maui is situated on the north shore of the island. It is on the edge of the rain forest. Here is where I have decided to play out my Hawaiian fantasy. I smile with the realization that Paradise is now my home. Each day is one of wonder and amazement. Nature screams out to me. The land is a virtual garden of eden. I come to realize that all one needs to do is put cuttings of plants directly into the ground and they grow. Magic is everywhere. Life is easy. People smile. The armor that protected me in New York is old news. I have never know such ease of living. I can walk to Fukushima store, "talk story", have a FUKU DOG, not the New York Frankfurter, but a fabulous creation with a topping of some exotic mixture that only is known to the owner. It is also a place where if one is lucky enough he is invited to join the beer drinking "pau hana" event in the back room towards closing time. Eventually I am invited. We drink with abandon and tell stories of past and present. The beer comes directly from the cooler to all participants. No bar in this town as yet, but who needs one when this place exists. Toma garage is around the corner. It is a similar small town place. When here long enough an account is set up for you. These places have an almost cowboy feel to them in their architecture....flat fronted wooden store fronts, inverted v's pointing towards the sky. Everything is almost choked with the endless vegetation. Down the country road, the Hana Highway bends it's way along the steep cliffs above the endless blue ocean. Each turn reveals yet another waterfall. How could life get any better?

1 comment:

  1. Great description of how Haiku used to be. Can't beat Fuku dogs, or discussing car problems with Mr. Toma underneath his "No lending of tools" sign!
