Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I've done it my way. That is true to a certain extent. Mostly I am a gleaming sort of guy. I have this way of listening and hearing. Each thing, either heard or seen plays a song in my head. The records all meant something. The choices were momentary and yet lasting. I think mostly in prose. Songs measure high on my list of things that move me. I find great attraction to performance. The picture you see is one of my collection of memories. The young sailor is my father. I only knew him for a moment. But, as my mother says "blood is thicker then water." I know I am him. I started just as most others... a happenstance of lustful passion. Passion to this day is my uppermost thoughtful longing. I know there are those that cringe at such. Whatever! I admit my desire. I want love. I want to make love anytime and anywhere. I am going to tell you how I feel now and once upon a time. I will include those words to the songs that I heard along the way. That is my poetry heard. I never read much. So I will start wandering and hope you enjoy the passage. If not...Oh well.

(by eric clapton)

Bell bottom blues, you made me cry.
I don’t want to lose this feeling.
And if I could choose a place to die
It would be in your arms.

Do you want to see me crawl across the floor to you?

Bell bottom blues, don’t say goodbye.
I’m sure we’re gonna meet again,
And if we do, don’t you be surprised
If you find me with another lover. 

I enlisted in 1965.  My bell bottoms with thirteen buttons landed on both domestic and foreign shores. Strutting, then casting them on many a floor was great adventure and a young man's poetry rolled into one.  

Monday, June 21, 2010

Thursday, June 17, 2010



Always the same dream
I had her
She kissed me
I her.

Waking I am alone
That PASSION lives on
Not as yesterday

Realized over and over.

Waking is time spent
Yet another


these are my

I have loved

and will
I hope
do so

Saturday, June 12, 2010


It was bright and clear as we sped northerly. Christian nimbly ran through gear changes. Alpine villages appeared in the distance and moments later became distorted flashes of color quickly lost behind us. My mind at first sought shelter but soon I was enjoying the sensation of living on the edge. I had no idea as to where we were going. We coursed off the Autobahn and passed a signpost announcing SALZBURG. A short distance down the valley road we passed through an open gate. "We are here!" Before us was a collection of trailers, cars and lots of people. We stopped alongside one of those trailers upon which were two Porsches. As we got out of the car I realized that all of the cars around us were Porsches. "Welcome to the annual Vienna Porsche Club Rally. Gerhart this is Charles." "Ah yes Christian phoned me yesterday and said he was bringing you along. This will be fun." "It is incredible. Charles you arrived just the right time. Gerhart the green one don't you think?" "Yah, why not." "We have decided you will drive that green car." "What?" Christian explained the details of the rally as I followed and lent a hand to both he and his brother as they unloaded the vehicles from the trailer. Every year all of the members of the auto club get together and race their cars, one against the other. There are two days of practice and on the third day the actual event. The real kicker is that there are professional race car drivers who critique the individual owners and offer suggestions that should increase their skills. Emphasis is put on the speedway's turns. 
We checked into the hotel that bordered the raceway. The entire place was booked by the club. By day the attire was the helmets and goggles and the sounds of high pitched whining engines. By night it was lederhausan, umm paa paa, and large quantities of beer. I was guest and witness to an elitist extravaganza. 

I came in last!
I also had a great time.
At the victory celebration I had the occasion to meet the winner. "Great race!" "Ahh...that was child's play. You know the big semi rigs.., those diesel ones. I race them! Now that is fun!"         

Friday, June 11, 2010

"She doesn't speak English"

Hannes was flying to Germany on business. I had called another Austrian I had met windsurfing on Maui and we arranged to meet one another in Vienna. "Let me talk to Hannes." "Hello. Yes but of course. I leave at ten twenty this morning. No problem." Hannes handed me the phone. "Okay Christian, I will see you then. Goodbye." "Charles I will see you in Hawaii in a couple of months. I will call you. That is the place there on the corner. You got everything?" "Yes I do. Thanks for your hospitality. Aloha Hannes." "It was good seeing you. I need to run. Aloha!" I walked across the street and sat at a table outside waiting for Christian.
 "Was werden Sie mit Sir?" "A coffee please." "Ahh, you speak English. where are you from?" "Me....I live in Hawaii." "Oh I hear that is most beautiful place. I think one day I must go there." A sudden jerk to the back of my chair followed by "So here you are in Austria" brought me to my feet. "Yes I am here. Christian, how are you." "Me? It is all good. There are no waves here!" He arched his shoulders upward, squinted his eyes and tilted his head with a questioning effect, then settled into the chair on the opposite side of the table. "You ordered?" "A coffee." "Oh, okay." His eyes rooled over to the waiter..."Noch einen Kaffee und zwei Scholkoladen-Kuchen. I've ordered you a cake as well. It is special to our country. You shall try. So really what brings you here?" "You know Peter." "Of course... the Swizzer!" "He invited me so what the hell. I've not been before and it has been great." "Good. And you caught me at a nice time. Tomorrow I have in mind a small road trip. You, I think will like this. I show you our Alps." The waiter set the coffees and two pieces of dark chocolate cake on the table. "It is very good, the best, try it." "Hum... that is good, not as sweet as I would have thought. Excellent." We sat there and talked a bit about what I had seen and a little about Maui and windsurfing. "Come we go to my aunt's place."He opened the passenger door of the Porche and pulled the seat forward. "Throw your bag back there. You have only that small bag?" "I travel light. A couple of pairs of jeans, a few shirts and toothbrush does me fine." Christian turned the key in the ignition, threw it into first gear and we roared off. He drove so very fast. I was somewhat ill at ease but said nothing except "nice car". "It is fun!" Three quarters of an hour of blurred images finally brought us to our destination. 
Christian hurriedly introduced me to his aunt who had opened the door. "Gretha das ist mien Freund Charles. She speaks no English." The stout smiling woman took my bag and walked flicking her hand as to make sure I'd follow, which I did. She laid my bag at the foot of the bed, sheepishly smiled, turned and walked towards the back of the house. "Charles I have to run over to my office. I will be back in an hour or so. Gretha is preparing some sandwiches for you. Come out back." I followed him into the back yard where there was a wrought iron table and chairs, a tranquil fountain and flowering plants both trellised and potted. "Make yourself at home. Here is something to pass the time." He placed a bottle of wine and a corkscrew on the table. "Okay see you soon." "Thanks man!" His car roared off as Gretha appeared with a tray of sandwiches. "Thank you...Danke." She smiled once again. I pulled out one of the chairs and with hand suggestion offered her to sit. She shook her head no and returned to the interior of her house.
It was delightful outside. The sandwich was quite good and the wine was very satisfying as well. I had just lit a cigarette when Gretha appeared at the table again beckoning me to follow. Inside the kitchen she picked up the phone from the counter and handed it to me..."Christian." "Charles, I thought I'd be back already but a patient has made a last minute appointment. I am sorry but I must see him. I'll be by in the morning early. Gretha knows and she will wake you. Sorry gotta go...Just relax and I'll be there in the morning. Bye Charles." I put the phone down, bowed towards Gretha and walked back to the patio. I finished the wine and smoked a few cigarettes. I then walked around the neighborhood for a while. Upon returning I entered the house through the back door and found Gretha sitting in the living room. She was listening to classical music. She and I mostly exchanged smiles. She reminded me of my grandmother. She pushed herself upward and out of the overstuffed chair. From a cabinet she withdrew a bottle of schnapps. She filled two glasses, handing me one. Once again seated in her chair she saluted me and I returned the gesture. We laughed and drank. This continued for a while with my refilling her glass then mine. She showed me pictures, both those in frames and others in albums as we now sat together on the couch. She placed a little finger food on the table fronting the couch. We picked, sipped, and simply laughed. We both found comfort being there. I enjoyed her very much.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


This is the old world, new to me! Ancient streets I walk upon. I hear my footsteps in the now, bouncing off walls and ascending stairs that only dreams would permit. "Oh no!" This is happening to me. "Catch this moment". I take that photo, draw something you see. If nothing else I just look. It will add something. All magic is given and it is just the acceptance that matters.
I awake. The air is waltzing around me. I close my eyes ever so tightly and with a gracious bow stand before this blond maiden. She follows my lead. Those around us do the same.  "I kiss the air above her hand." Hannes is telling me about grace. "Every year the ball happens in Vienna. Here, wear this tie. You must have one to enter the Casino." We crossed the street. Slots were no where. Tables were rounded with elegant high rollers each with an air of abandon. "Kellnerin (Waitress), mein Getrank! (my drink)" a snapped finger. Five stacks of black chips ($1000 each) he eased forward.
The dice said yes..."Der Gewinner (Winner)".
But of course! Rich to rich. 
"Hannes I think not." "Good call Charles. We should go to a Heurigen.""OK...Vas is das?" "You like wine?" "Yes." 
Hannes pulled open the door. We sat outdoors. The carafe of wine arrived. "Prost!" "To you my friend! I couldn't believe the all that money bet!" "AHH it is common. BUT...You Charles live in PARADISE! They only wished so. Drink my friend, Dr. Maui!" "Prost................." 

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


So here I am in Baden, Austria. I'm here in Europe because of the generosity of a new found friend. He, without knowing changed my whole way of making a living. I had never envisioned the vacation rental business nor becoming a windsurfer. Peter was the first to stay in my house on Noholani Street. It was he who gifted me my first windsurfing equipment and taught me the basics. And now here I stand some nine thousand miles from my island home visiting with people I met on the beach. What is also so very interesting is seeing these people in their own worlds without the Hawaiian board shorts and tanned bodies. But those very elements are our common denominator without which I would not be here. It isn't the New York me but the Maui me that has opened these doors. I'm beyond lucky. "Who woulda thought?"
I'm waltzing down streets steeped in history. Beethoven wrote music here. That bath house has soothed the tired bodies of men and women for centuries. 
This woman's ancestors probably sold produce in this same spot for ages. "Danke!"

Monday, June 7, 2010


"Kate, thanks for everything." "Charles it was great seeing once again. Don't forget to call or write sometimes, Okay?" "I certainly will." I hugged and placed kisses on each of cheeks. "See ya...Love ya." Peter was waiting downstairs. I took a long hard look at the balcony where Kate was standing. She waved and I blew her a kiss. "Peter how's it goin'?" "It is okay." I got into the car and we started off to the airport. "I am a crazy guy Charles." "No your not." "Kate and I"...."Look Peter it is something that happens...Hey look at me three marriages so far." "Okay man." "I gotta thank you for sending the ticket. I love ya man. Don't know how I'll ever repay ya." "You owe me nothin'." We arrived at the airport. "Charles see you in Hawaii next year." Peter was a special guy. It was easy to hug him. He was real and brought out a more real me. "Bye my friend." "Aloha Charles." "Aloha!"
My next destination was to be another place I'd never been. Another windsurfing buddy, Hannes, lived there. The flight was just a mere hour and a half, but security at Swiss airports is extremely tight. It was something I never had witnessed before. Everywhere there were what looked like sharp shooters in military garb standing on elevated stations keeping an ever present eye on the terminal activity with submachine guns at the ready. I felt both secure and apprehensive all at once. Boarding was announced and I entered the plane. Austrian Airlines was indeed a step above US planes. The service was great. Snacks and drinks were all complimentary. Passengers were afforded first class attention with genuine smiles. It was the most pleasant flight I'd ever been on. 
Hannes and his most beautiful girlfriend were awaiting me at baggage claim. "Alexandria, this is Doctor Maui!"

She did the two cheeked European kiss greeting. I loved that. It certainly beats the handshake routine. Hannes always was this whimsical sort of looking guy. He was slight in build and seemed to not quite fill the clothing he wore. He seemed to be leaning on something even if nothing was there. A rascal sort of smile and arched eyebrows bounced above the glasses that rested low on his nose. "It is good to see you Charles. Zooh we go to Baden...cominzee my good friend." There in the parking lot was a Jeep with top down. I had somehow expected a more European type vehicle. Alexandria drove, her long blond hair blowing in the wind. The route was a combination of city streets, highway, vineyard lined country roads, and finally the cobbled entrance to Baden. "Zooh here we are."

It was an amber and golden toned painting that hung there before me. 
We entered this storybook alley of Old World plastered walls, windows and bold heavy wooden doors. The footprints of time autographed everything. 
  Hannes opened one such door and with a gentlemanly wave of his arm through the air bid our entry. "Welcome to my simple house." "This is incredible Hannes." "Not so. Is fine though. Alexandria will show you your room then we get some drink and talk. I wait here."

 Outdoor cafes and afternoon glasses of wine were becoming more the ordinary to me now.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Apres Vous

"Hello, Kate?" "Good morning Charles. Where are you?" I"m still in Zurick. What can I say!" "Oh, I heard. Peter called and said you had a good night." She laughed. "You guys!" "Yes I know, we're party animals. So do you have any plans today?" "I was thinking of doing some shopping in Zurick." "Well can we meet up for lunch." "Yes that would be great. You could meet me at Globus. It is at Lowenplatz 12. If you ask anyone they will know where it is." "Okay, Lowenplatz. Got that, and Globus?" "Yes it is a department store. Anyone will know. I will met you at the main entrance at one thirty." "See ya then Kate. Aloha." "Fine. Aloha Charles."
Twyler emerged from the bathroom. "So did you make your call?" She bent towards me and kissed my cheek. "Uhm, that was a fun night." "So what are you doing today?" "I am supposed to meet a friend at this place called Globus." " Yes it is a wonderful place. Everyone shops there." "Why don't we have some breakfast, and then maybe you could give me directions? I am supposed to be there by one thirty." "I would like that. There's a nice little place a block from here. That store is not very far away. I'll show you."  
We ordered two coffees. Eggs and toast for her and a croissant for me. "Hawaii must be wonderful. I never was, but would love to go there sometime." "You should." "I like your country. I never was here before and am having a great time here...  You are very beautiful." "Tell me more." "I think I love you." "That's enough." She fell into laughter and so did I. "I copied your number from your phone. Hope you don't mind?" "Well call me next time you are here." We continued with some light conversation.
"Just go two blocks that way. Make a right. You will see it." She kissed both my cheeks. I drew her closer and held her hands firmly as I looked into her eyes. "I will call you Twyler." "Aloha, Charles."

I was standing there looking around when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned. "Kate, it's you." She always had such a pleasing smile. She wore a well tailored green pants suit with a silk scarf loosely rounding her neck. I thought just how elegant the young woman standing before me was. "Hi Charles you found it!" "And you found me!" "But of course. This is my favorite store. We can have lunch here as well." "Sounds like a plan. Apres vous, ma cheri." The interior of the department store was very well done. It was even better then Bloomingdales in Manhattan. I've always liked shopping with women. "You don't mind if I look at some clothes do you?" "Kate, I don't mind doing anything with you." "What do you think?" "I personally think the gray would be better." She held the teal blouse under her chin, then the gray, and again the teal. "You are right, but I don't need another." She did find a great pair of heels. "These are perfect." What I enjoy most about cruising about in the womens department is you get to see so many great looking females lost in their fantasies. I rather it then magazines. "You are great to shop with Charles." "And you are fun to be with. My pleasure." "I just want to get a few things from the delicatessen." "After you." 


I carried Kate's purchases into the restaurant. We had a lovely luncheon. Out in the street Kate took my hand and pursed her lips. "Charles something I must tell you. Peter and I have broken up." "I had the feeling something was going on." I wrapped my free arm about her shoulder. "Are you okay?" "Yes I am. People drift apart. It started before you arrived." "I see. You're great Kate. It must have been hard with me here." "No it is fine." "I've been thinking that I might go and look up some other friends in Austria since I'm here in Europe already." "You could stay." "Let me do some checking on trains and things...make some calls." We took the train back to her apartment.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Boys Night Out

My visit to the Lindt chocolate factory was now behind me and dreams of Ursla had faded with a few beers. I decided to send the deluxe box of Lindt chocolates to my mother in New York. She had the sweet tooth and knew she would delight in this gift. I recall how we would go to this wonderful shop on Fordham Road in the Bronx and she would buy small quantities of assorted chocolates. She would buy me cashews, my favorite. After mailing the package I continued on to Zurick via the train. Upon arrival, I found my friend Peter. He was there at the designated corner with another guy. "Aloha Charles. How was your day? Corsa this is Charles." "Nice to meet you Corsa. My day was fun. I went on this tour of the Lindt factory."  I filled them in on the sexy tour guide and my fantasy chocolate coated love affair with her. "That's hilarious." "I know but can you imagine making love in a vat of chocolate?... Oh well I'm crazy." "It's what we like about you. We're crazy guys too. So let's get crazy tonight. We are going to the old town. You will like it. Come on we go across that bridge!" "So Corsa what do you do?" "I am an architect like Peter." "So tell Charles what you are doing." "I am designing hot air balloons." "Serious?" Corsa went on to explain. He had met this exceptionally rich guy from St. Moritz who for a hobby flew in hot air balloons. When he found out that Corsa was an architect he asked if he might come up with a few out of the ordinary balloon designs. "I thought this guy was pulling my leg. I played with the idea and showed him a couple of sketches. He liked this dragon one and offered me employment as his balloon designer. Crazy, yes?" "I'd say." "I've done three different ones now and he has flown them at various rallies. Now he just bought some castle in Scotland and he has some horse stables he wants me to design. We fly there next week." "Cool, man!" "There are so many old money guys in Europe. They have nothing better to do with their time, and the money is great." Having crossed the bridge we were now in the old section of Zurick. The streets were narrow and the buildings had been there forever. We entered a restaurant/bar and had beers and a variety of sausages. Having attained a beer buzz we ambled on to a disco that peter said was really happening. Lots of young people stood in line at the entrance, but Peter was on a first name basis with the burly fellow who stood behind the roped doorway. We bypassed the lineup and entered. This techno beat music reverberated as strobe lights sent out florescent blue and red lines in dissecting patterns. At the bar Peter introduced Samantha, and Corsa, Rebecca. "So you are Charles. Peter has talked much about you. This is my good friend Twyla!" A round of shots and beers appeared. A chorus of "Aloha...Cheers" ensued. Twyler grabbed my hand and led me to the dance floor.
 Peter, Samantha, Corsa and Rebecca twirled, jumped and pumped along with us.
Ribbons of morning sunlight crossed the bed. Black tosseled locks fanned over her face buried in the pillow beside me......  

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sweet Thing

Peter had left early and Kate had things to do in the city as well. I walked Kate to the railway station and she told me what train I could catch to get into Zurick. "Peter will meet you at this stop at five this evening." "Thanks Kate, have a nice day." I decided to meander in the direction of the city. I proceeded along past shops and buildings greeting passersby with "Guten Morgen", one of the few greetings I knew. It was received with smiles and the same words. I continued on my merry way crossing from side to side along the boulevard. I looked at some of the boats docked along the shore and gazed into store windows. I then noticed before me a large factory that took up the entire block.
It was the famous Lindt chocolate factory. At the entrance a quite lovely woman was standing in a form fitting blue skirted suit and gold Lindt pin on the lapel. "Guten Tag", she said as I was in front of her. "sorry I don't speak German." "Oh...Good afternoon then." Yes, it was about afternoon already. "Hi, how are?" "Fine thank you. Would you like to join us in a tour today?" "I'd join her anywhere", I thought..."Yes sure, love to." "You fill out the group. We like twenty persons". I was following her into the lobby. She had a very elegant yet sexy walk. "Hello and welcome to Lindt. My name is Ursla. If  you please follow me." The group consisted mostly of older folks and a few kids. We were ushered into an auditorium where we viewed a rather bad movie about Lindt history and founders. As the lights came back on I thought about making an escape. "Ladies and Gentlemen"...Ursla was standing again right in front of me..."If you'd follow me again I will take you into our factory. Please this way." My thought, "Okay sweetheart, anywhere". "Those stainless tanks deliver the melted chocolate through those pipes over to there....." I known there were all sorts of white coated people doing this and that along the way,

but I was totally absorbed in hips, red lips, and green eyes. The most magical moment was when Ursla put a cherry bon bon with liqueur directly into my mouth. Walking through a large set of steel doors we were once again in the lobby area. "Thank you so very much for visiting with us today and please accept our deluxe box of Lindt Chocolates!" She put a box in my hand and before I could say anything at all was down the line and gone. I stood aside and hoped she might magically reappear. With a feeling of desertion I entered a lakeside bar, ordered a beer and daydreamed as what could have been. Making love in some chocolaty spot somewhere in the factory.....I don't even like chocolate. "Bartender! I'll have another." 

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


It was a rose colored morning. The slight chill was refreshing. Shrugging off the idea of further sleep I joined my hosts at the breakfast table. "Good morning Charles. Did you sleep well? "I really did Tess." "Coffee? It is your Hawaiian brand. We love it so. We save it for special occasions like this. And you must try the nutella."It is nice on toast." I tried some. It was indeed quite nice. "What is it made of?" Kate said, "it's made from hazelnuts. It is typical here in Switzerland." "Hum...very good." "My parents have a little chalet in the mountain. We shall take you there today." Stini raised his index upward and proceeded with, "Ya, wunderbar!...You vil like." The proud smile assured me I would indeed. After we had finished the breakfast Stini beckoned that I follow him. From an outdoor rack he retrieved a pair of hiking boots and presented them to me. "You try." I did and to my surprise they fit quite well. He gave the thumbs up, "Gut!"
Kate bought tickets for the cable car that would take up to the  top of the mountain. "Oh Kate let me pay for those." "Oh no my parents would be insulted. It is their treat." "Whatever you say." This was my first time riding in such a car. The scenery was amazing as we glided high above the ground below. We made our trek along a winding path. The Alps cast their ominous presence all around us in every direction. To my utter amazement within an hour we were approaching a rather large logged building. It was in fact a hotel restaurant here in the middle of nowhere. A waiter brought us to a table on the outside deck that jutted out beyond the craggy ede of the mountain. A panoramic view of breathtaking proportion before us. I saw no roads. "Kate how in the world do they get everything here?" "Helicopter." "Wow! This is unreal." We continued with what had now become ritual and had a glorious meal and great wine. Again Kate's parents insisted on paying. We continued our walk through meadow and rock formations. Now and then Stini would suddenly stop and wave me to his side as he would point out large mushrooms that were growing in the rock crevices. He would tug them from their spots and place them in his backpack. "Very Gut!" It was I'd say about two miles farther and we arrived at a compound of small Log cabins. Stini led the way to number 9 where he unlocked the front door. "Geben Sie meine Kabne." "He said enter my cabin." I got the cabin part Kate...Understanding a bit more now." It was charming inside. A small everything room fronting a washroom and bunk room. Kate's folks had bought this place when Stini had retired. He was very proud of the place, and well he should have been. I spent most of the day wandering about taking in the magnificent vistas. We had a simple dinner that of course included some mushrooms. Wine was included at no additional charge. The night got cold but the wood burning stove keep us comfortable. Millions of stars shined down upon us as we fell asleep beneath down comforters.