Monday, June 7, 2010


"Kate, thanks for everything." "Charles it was great seeing once again. Don't forget to call or write sometimes, Okay?" "I certainly will." I hugged and placed kisses on each of cheeks. "See ya...Love ya." Peter was waiting downstairs. I took a long hard look at the balcony where Kate was standing. She waved and I blew her a kiss. "Peter how's it goin'?" "It is okay." I got into the car and we started off to the airport. "I am a crazy guy Charles." "No your not." "Kate and I"...."Look Peter it is something that happens...Hey look at me three marriages so far." "Okay man." "I gotta thank you for sending the ticket. I love ya man. Don't know how I'll ever repay ya." "You owe me nothin'." We arrived at the airport. "Charles see you in Hawaii next year." Peter was a special guy. It was easy to hug him. He was real and brought out a more real me. "Bye my friend." "Aloha Charles." "Aloha!"
My next destination was to be another place I'd never been. Another windsurfing buddy, Hannes, lived there. The flight was just a mere hour and a half, but security at Swiss airports is extremely tight. It was something I never had witnessed before. Everywhere there were what looked like sharp shooters in military garb standing on elevated stations keeping an ever present eye on the terminal activity with submachine guns at the ready. I felt both secure and apprehensive all at once. Boarding was announced and I entered the plane. Austrian Airlines was indeed a step above US planes. The service was great. Snacks and drinks were all complimentary. Passengers were afforded first class attention with genuine smiles. It was the most pleasant flight I'd ever been on. 
Hannes and his most beautiful girlfriend were awaiting me at baggage claim. "Alexandria, this is Doctor Maui!"

She did the two cheeked European kiss greeting. I loved that. It certainly beats the handshake routine. Hannes always was this whimsical sort of looking guy. He was slight in build and seemed to not quite fill the clothing he wore. He seemed to be leaning on something even if nothing was there. A rascal sort of smile and arched eyebrows bounced above the glasses that rested low on his nose. "It is good to see you Charles. Zooh we go to Baden...cominzee my good friend." There in the parking lot was a Jeep with top down. I had somehow expected a more European type vehicle. Alexandria drove, her long blond hair blowing in the wind. The route was a combination of city streets, highway, vineyard lined country roads, and finally the cobbled entrance to Baden. "Zooh here we are."

It was an amber and golden toned painting that hung there before me. 
We entered this storybook alley of Old World plastered walls, windows and bold heavy wooden doors. The footprints of time autographed everything. 
  Hannes opened one such door and with a gentlemanly wave of his arm through the air bid our entry. "Welcome to my simple house." "This is incredible Hannes." "Not so. Is fine though. Alexandria will show you your room then we get some drink and talk. I wait here."

 Outdoor cafes and afternoon glasses of wine were becoming more the ordinary to me now.

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