Thursday, May 20, 2010


One morning down at the harbor I was cleaning and tidying my boat. A guy from down the pier walked over and voiced a friendly "hello". "Nice day. I was wondering if you could lend me a hand? Need to bring a few things to my boat." I followed him down the pier. "Oh, by the way, I"m Billy." "Charles", I replied. We headed to the building across the parking lot. "This is our clubhouse." With his key he unlocked the chain link gate. "I was over here once on the first day when I got my slip." "Two of your members invited me over here for a couple of beers. Nice guys, don't recall their names. I'm really bad with names."
The building itself was just a roofed structure with the rear wall being the only one with siding. The front was encased by lattice between the concrete supporting columns. An assortment of photos hung on the latticework. They were all of men standing next to very large fish. Eight long green planked picnic type tables were bolted at a right angle to the concrete floor. The rear wall had a stage area with a lectern, two flag poles, one American, the other Hawaiian, assorted large trophies and a ship's wheel. Next against that wall was a large refrigerator and stove. The right side was home to a very long combination sink and side boards of stainless steel. A wooden table the same size sat inward in front of it. There was also a pool table, round card table, large elongated freezers, an ice machine, a brick grilling area and two more refrigerators. The grassy area on the far left had one of those portable outhouses in the front corner. Beyond the structure to the right were three aluminum garden type sheds in a row. It was from one of those that Billy and I collected two white coolers and an assortment of fishing gear which we stacked onto an iron push cart.
After we had accomplished the mission, Billy thanked me for the help. "No problem, any time." "Hey Charlie, why don't you join us tonight at the club. It's our monthly meeting. Good grinds and you'll meet the other club members. In fact why don't you join the club?" "I'm not a fisherman Billy." "You don't have to be. A couple of sailors are members." "Okay, what time?" "Around five." "What should I bring?" "Just whatever you drink." "I'll see yah then. Thanks again."
I returned to the club about five thirty and the lot was full of vehicles. With a twelve pack of beer I entered. Billy saw me right away. He greeted me and introduced me to a few guys. Larry pointed to a cooler on the ground and said "you can throw those beers in there". I emptied eleven into the ice and twisted another open. There were mayber thirty or so guys standing about in groups loudly chatting and drinking. Billy assumed a central position and shouted above the voices. "Let's bring this meeting to order!" A hush came over the group with only a few here and there whispers. "Gentlemen, any new news?....Any old news?....Thought not. Let's grind!" The long wooden table was covered with an assortment of good looking food. An orderly line proceeded to pile paper plates full with everything. Most of these men were on the larger side and I could see how they kept in shape. Billy waved me to the table where he sat. "Lou, George, Lionel"...he continued with introduction..."This is Charlie. He has that new sailboat at the end of the pier." "Nice to meet you guys. Can I get someone a beer?" Three voices in unison replied. "Never thought you'd ask!"...More laughter followed. They were all regular kind of guys. They told funny jokes and ate and drank with gusto. It was a very pleasant place. With the several trash cans now full, Billy stood, wrapped an arm over my shoulder and announced, "I am sponsoring Charles here to be a member of our club. Charlie would you kindly step outside while we take a vote?" I walked outside and waited. "All in favor...All opposed. Hey Charlie boy come on back...Sorry Charlie"...laughter arose from the entire group. Lionel said, "he's shitting you! Welcome.  Lou, collect his dues."
I had never before joined any club. I was a loner. Well, things change.             

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