Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Voices and various motor sounds awoke me. Stretching, blinking, then rubbing my eyes I moved to a seated position and took in the new environment of a boat's interior. My sleep had been deep. The gentle rocking motion, induced such. Morning light filtered down through the open hatch. I climbed out and looked about. Several elderly men sat upon overturned five gallon bucket with spinning rods in hand.  Each reeled their lines in moving the poles upward then downward. A fair sized fishing boat was backed down the ramp upon its trailer. Having floated off the trailer, the craft was held in place as supplies were wrestled on board. The diesel engine grumbled to life and the water swirled behind it. It backed away, then turned and made a furious white watered wake as it charged towards the harbor exit. I pulled the aft line of my boat so  as to close in on the dock and step out upon it. Yesterday's intention had been to get my boat to a private marina farther down Ke'ehi lagoon. I had called some days prior and was told of open slips. As the voyage had not gotten us to Ke'ehi until nearly midnight, we had done the sensible thing tying off at the state facilities loading dock. I had just started to walk in the direction of the harbor office when a car horn sounded and drew my attention. It was Tom. He waved and got out and walked my way. "So how was your night aboard?" "Not bad. Slept like a baby. Was just going over to the office." "I'll go with you. Came down here to help you move the boat, Knew you'd need a hand, So here I am." "You're a great guy Tom." It's fine. I didn't have all that much to do this morning. So let's go." Together we entered the office. "Good morning Deb. How are you this fine morning? This is my friend Charles. That's his sailboat out there. We got in here real late last night so tied her off at the main dock." "oh, I see." "Is Mr. Lau here?" "He is Tom, I'll tell him you are here." A slight Asian man wearing jeans and a tee shirt with Harbor Master written upon it moved from his office towards us at the counter. "Hi Tom. What can I do for you?" "My friend Charles, here, that is his sailboat out there." "Yes, saw it this morning and was going to walk over in a short while to check on it." "Jerry, you don't have any slips available, do you?" "Tom, you know how long the waiting list is here at the state harbor." "Yeah, but I thought no harm in asking. We'll be moving her shortly.""Nice to have met you Mr. Lau", I chimed in. "That's a pretty boat you have there. Was it Charles?" "Yes, thanks, I just purchased her." "You mind if I have a look?" "Of course." The three of us stepped out of the building and the Harbor Master stopped and said, "yah know I believe there is this empty slip on the three hundred. Why don't you guys take a walk over there and have a look see? 328, that's the number. Come back and let me know." "Hey, thanks Jer." I looked at Tom quizzically, and he just sent a wink my way. The 300 pier was a short walk away. A collection of mostly fishing boats occupied its slips. The gate was held open by a bungee cord. There were a few men fiddling about on their boats, as we passed down the pier. The stenciled number 328 did indeed announce the one and only watery empty slot. From a large sailboat at the extreme end of the pier a bearded person with green parrot on his shoulder walked slowly towards us. He hoisted his coffee mug, "howzit?" The parrot flapped it's wings and added "Ahoy!" "We're good thanks." He passed and continued towards the gate. "So what's up Tom?" "Well let's head back and see." Walking down the road was the Harbor Master with a clipboard in his hand. "Empty, isn't it?" "Most certainly is", Tom acknowledged. "Well sir", he was looking at me, Charles, Right? Why don't yah put that boat of yours in that slip, and pay me a visit tomorrow morning." Nothing else said, he walked away. Tom shot a smile my way. "Around here it's who ya know, let's get that boat of yours over here before he changes his mind". By mid day my Amazing Grace was bobbing prettily in 328. A number of real friendly fellows introduced themselves to me, pointed out their individual boats and told me to join them over at their Fishing Clubhouse directly across the graveled parking lot for a few beers. A few turned into quite a lot.
DAY ONE......THE KE'EHI CHAPTER--------         

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