Monday, May 31, 2010


Drinking and eating are indeed a preoccupation here in Europe. Wine it seems is abundant and all of the homes I have visited have one commonality, the wine cellar. It is a cherished spot in any house. Kate's father Stini walked me through his tiered cool cellar. "Oh this one is very good. Und this one as well." He handed me those and picked out two more. Being the guest of honor each bottle was uncorked and I was given the first taste. Kate smiled her wonderful smile. "Oh this is great." Tessie, her mom saluted me with the same smile, "we are delighted you have come here to visit. So you like Switzerland? It is not so beautiful as Maui but different." "I'm having a great time Tess. The mountains and lakes are so very lovely. And of course so are you." A sheepish grin and upward shoulder movement suggested her delight. "Charles you are charming." "Not so much as me", Stini said. "Oh sure. You never say that to me. Laughter followed. Kate's brother said not very much. Unlike the rest of the family he was not so out going. "Charles do you like sauna?" "Well to tell the truth never been in one Tessie." "I must show you ours. Come." "She loves that sauna", Stini interjected as she led the way. She opened the door to the cedar lined interior. "You must try it. We will do so later. This will be your towel."  I perceived a bit of flirtatiousness in her movement. She was very attractive. "The sauna keeps your skin smooth. Kate always joins me when she visits. But...later." We returned to the patio and resumed conversation with the others. Kate insisted we walk out towards the lake. We passed both apple and cherry trees as we walked the earthen pathway. A high church steeple pushed towards the blue lightly clouded sky off to our right. 
"This is quite a lovely place Kate. So why didn't Peter stay?" "He has exams and needed to catch up." "Oh, I see." We came to the water's edge and sat on a bench looking out upon it's blueness. The gentle wash of the water over the polished black rocks added a meditative sound. "I sit here often gathering my thoughts." "It certainly is soothing." "We should walk a little through the town. My mother is preparing a special meal for tonight." "She is special." "She thinks the same of you Charles. We all do." "You're too nice Kate." "Com'on let's walk." She held my hand as we walked, pointing out places and reminiscing of days past. "My best friend lived there.That is my mother's sister's place. She just passed away last year. Thomas and Stini are fixing it up now, They plan to sell it." It was the same Swiss picture; Shutters and flower boxes. There is a very orderly fashion to everything. We pass a small stable attached to the side of a house. A cow is eating straw inside. It is somehow beyond clean and even it has flower boxes on either side of the open top half of the dutch doors.
Upon reentry to Kate's parents house the smells of cooking food floated through the air. "What are you making Tess? Can I help you?" "Why don't you open that white wine." I removed the bottle from the ice bucket and uncorked it. Kate who was beside me now handed me each of three glasses which I filled. Tess wiped her hands on her apron and accepted the glass I had brought to her. "Cheers. I am making Viener Schnitzel, simple but good. Here try this." She handed me a paper thin sliced and rolled reddish meat. "Here, dip it in this." The sauce tasted of horseradish. "You've had this before?" "Umm...I don't think so. Both Kate and Tess laughed. "Charles it is horse meat. Good...Yes?" "Really? Yes it is good. First time for me Kate." "Here, have another". With it she offered from a platter crusty bread and what appeared to be brie cheese. "Shall I help bring the food to the table", I offered as I nibbled. "Yes, I will help as well." "I love veal. It smells so good. One time as a kid I went to a friends house and his mother asked if I would stay for dinner. She was frying veal cutlets. I ate seven. "Mom! Charles is hungry make more." "No,no,no...It's quite fine." Stini appeared with more wine. " Ah, ES ist good!" "Where is your brother?" "Oh, he eats at his girlfriend's most evenings.""Gutten Appetit!" The meal was extremely good. I controlled my veal consumption to two servings but lost count to the amount of  wine I drank. We must have sat there for hours. I do remember washing some dishes with Stini's disapproval and have faint images of myself in the sauna with Kate and Tess. I do recall a shot of Kirsch. I awoke on the couch in the living room. I could hear morning movement and sounds; running water in the bathroom, a whistling tea pot from the kitchen.     

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